History and Awards
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Troop History and Awards
Troop History and Awards
Troop 430 was founded in 1980 and chartered by St. David's Episcopal Church. For over 35 years, we have served families and boys dedicated to instilling scout values, building character, emphasizing leadership and self-reliance. Troop 430 Scouts learn essential skills through advancements and study diverse fields through the merit badge program. Our meetings and outings are boy-led which enable our scouts to learn valuable leadership skills. Through our boys, parents, and leaders we maintain an active, fun, and safe environment that teaches our young men the values and morals they need to become outstanding citizens in our community and nation.
Troop Awards and Honors
Troop Awards and Honors
[Coming Soon]
Troop 430 Eagle Scouts
Troop 430 Eagle Scouts
[Coming Soon]